Source code for qcportal.collections.dataset

QCPortal Database ODM
import gzip
import tempfile
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import requests
from pydantic import Field, validator
from qcelemental import constants
from qcelemental.models.types import Array
from tqdm import tqdm

from ..models import Citation, ComputeResponse, ObjectId, ProtoModel
from ..statistics import wrap_statistics
from ..visualization import bar_plot, violin_plot
from .collection import Collection
from .collection_utils import composition_planner, register_collection

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from .. import FractalClient
    from ..models import KeywordSet, Molecule, ResultRecord
    from . import DatasetView

class MoleculeEntry(ProtoModel):
    name: str = Field(..., description="The name of entry.")
    molecule_id: ObjectId = Field(..., description="The id of the Molecule the entry references.")
    comment: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="A comment for the entry")
    local_results: Dict[str, Any] = Field({}, description="Additional local values.")

class ContributedValues(ProtoModel):
    name: str = Field(..., description="The name of the contributed values.")
    values: Any = Field(..., description="The values in the contributed values.")
    index: Array[str] = Field(
        ..., description="The entry index for the contributed values, matches the order of the `values` array."
    values_structure: Dict[str, Any] = Field(
        {}, description="A machine readable description of the values structure. Typically not needed."

    theory_level: Union[str, Dict[str, str]] = Field(..., description="A string representation of the theory level.")
    units: str = Field(..., description="The units of the values, can be any valid QCElemental unit.")
    theory_level_details: Optional[Union[str, Dict[str, Optional[str]]]] = Field(
        None, description="A detailed reprsentation of the theory level."

    citations: Optional[List[Citation]] = Field(None, description="Citations associated with the contributed values.")
    external_url: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="An external URL to the raw contributed values data.")
    doi: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="A DOI for the contributed values data.")

    comments: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="Additional comments about the contributed values")

    def _make_array(cls, v):
        if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)) and isinstance(v[0], (float, int, str, bool)):
            v = np.array(v)

        return v

[docs]class Dataset(Collection): """ The Dataset class for homogeneous computations on many molecules. Attributes ---------- client : client.FractalClient A FractalClient connected to a server data : dict JSON representation of the database backbone df : pd.DataFrame The underlying dataframe for the Dataset object """ def __init__(self, name: str, client: Optional["FractalClient"] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """ Initializer for the Dataset object. If no Portal is supplied or the database name is not present on the server that the Portal is connected to a blank database will be created. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the Dataset client : Optional['FractalClient'], optional A Portal client to connected to a server **kwargs : Dict[str, Any] Additional kwargs to pass to the collection """ super().__init__(name, client=client, **kwargs) self._units = # If we making a new database we may need new hashes and json objects self._new_molecules: Dict[str, Molecule] = {} self._new_keywords: Dict[Tuple[str, str], KeywordSet] = {} self._new_records: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [] self._updated_state = False self._view: Optional[DatasetView] = None if from . import RemoteView self._view = RemoteView(client, self._disable_view: bool = False # for debugging and testing self._disable_query_limit: bool = False # for debugging and testing # Initialize internal data frames and load in contrib self.df = pd.DataFrame() self._column_metadata: Dict[str, Any] = {} # If this is a brand new dataset, initialize the records and cv fields if == "local": if is None:["records"] = [] if is None:["contributed_values"] = {}
[docs] class DataModel(Collection.DataModel): # Defaults default_program: Optional[str] = None default_keywords: Dict[str, str] = {} default_driver: str = "energy" default_units: str = "kcal / mol" default_benchmark: Optional[str] = None alias_keywords: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] = {} # Data records: Optional[List[MoleculeEntry]] = None contributed_values: Dict[str, ContributedValues] = None # History: driver, program, method (basis, keywords) history: Set[Tuple[str, str, str, Optional[str], Optional[str]]] = set() history_keys: Tuple[str, str, str, str, str] = ("driver", "program", "method", "basis", "keywords")
[docs] def set_view(self, path: Union[str, Path]) -> None: """ Set a dataset to use a local view. Parameters ---------- path: Union[str, Path] path to an hdf5 file representing a view for this dataset """ from . import HDF5View self._view = HDF5View(path)
[docs] def download( self, local_path: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, verify: bool = True, progress_bar: bool = True ) -> None: """ Download a remote view if available. The dataset will use this view to avoid server queries for calls to: - get_entries - get_molecules - get_values - list_values Parameters ---------- local_path: Optional[Union[str, Path]], optional Local path the store downloaded view. If None, the view will be stored in a temporary file and deleted on exit. verify: bool, optional Verify download checksum. Default: True. progress_bar: bool, optional Display a download progress bar. Default: True """ chunk_size = 8192 if is None: raise ValueError("A view for this dataset is not available on the server") if local_path is not None: local_path = Path(local_path) else: self._view_tempfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() # keep temp file alive until self is destroyed local_path = r = requests.get(, stream=True) pbar = None if progress_bar: try: file_length = int(r.headers.get("content-length")) pbar = tqdm(total=file_length, initial=0, unit="B", unit_scale=True) except Exception: warnings.warn("Failed to create download progress bar", RuntimeWarning) with open(local_path, "wb") as fd: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size): fd.write(chunk) if pbar is not None: pbar.update(chunk_size) with open(local_path, "rb") as f: magic = gzipped = magic == b"\x1f\x8b" if gzipped: extract_tempfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() # keep temp file alive until self is destroyed with, "rb") as fgz: with open(, "wb") as f: f.write( self._view_tempfile = extract_tempfile local_path = if verify: remote_checksum =["blake2b_checksum"] from . import HDF5View local_checksum = HDF5View(local_path).hash() if remote_checksum != local_checksum: raise ValueError(f"Checksum verification failed. Expected: {remote_checksum}, Got: {local_checksum}") self.set_view(local_path)
[docs] def to_file(self, path: Union[str, Path], encoding: str) -> None: """ Writes a view of the dataset to a file Parameters ---------- path: Union[str, Path] Where to write the file encoding: str Options: plaintext, hdf5 """ if encoding.lower() == "plaintext": from . import PlainTextView PlainTextView(path).write(self) elif encoding.lower() in ["hdf5", "h5"]: from . import HDF5View HDF5View(path).write(self) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Unsupported encoding: {encoding}")
def _get_data_records_from_db(self): self._check_client() # This is hacky. What we want to do is get records and contributed values correctly unpacked into pydantic # objects. So what we do is call get_collection with include. But we have to also include collection and # name in the query because they are required in the collection DataModel. But we can use these to check that # we got back the right data, so that's nice. response = self.client.get_collection( self.__class__.__name__.lower(),, full_return=False, include=["records", "contributed_values", "collection", "name", "id"], ) if not ( == and == raise ValueError("Got the wrong records and contributed values from the server.") # This works because get_collection builds a validated Dataset object["records"] =["contributed_values"] = def _entry_index(self, subset: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> pd.DataFrame: # TODO: make this fast for subsets if is None: self._get_data_records_from_db() ret = pd.DataFrame( [[, entry.molecule_id] for entry in], columns=["name", "molecule_id"] ) if subset is None: return ret else: return ret.reset_index().set_index("name").loc[subset].reset_index().set_index("index") def _check_state(self) -> None: if self._new_molecules or self._new_keywords or self._new_records or self._updated_state: raise ValueError("New molecules, keywords, or records detected, run save before submitting new tasks.") def _canonical_pre_save(self, client: "FractalClient") -> None: self._ensure_contributed_values() if is None: self._get_data_records_from_db() for k in list(self._new_keywords.keys()): ret = client.add_keywords([self._new_keywords[k]]) assert len(ret) == 1, "KeywordSet added incorrectly"[k[0]][k[1]] = ret[0] del self._new_keywords[k] self._updated_state = False def _pre_save_prep(self, client: "FractalClient") -> None: self._canonical_pre_save(client) # Preps any new molecules introduced to the Dataset before storing data. mol_ret = self._add_molecules_by_dict(client, self._new_molecules) # Update internal molecule UUID's to servers UUID's for record in self._new_records: molecule_hash = record.pop("molecule_hash") new_record = MoleculeEntry(molecule_id=mol_ret[molecule_hash], **record) self._new_records = [] self._new_molecules = {}
[docs] def get_entries(self, subset: Optional[List[str]] = None, force: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Provides a list of entries for the dataset Parameters ---------- subset: Optional[List[str]], optional The indices of the desired subset. Return all indices if subset is None. force: bool, optional skip cache Returns ------- pd.DataFrame A dataframe containing entry names and specifciations. For Dataset, specifications are molecule ids. For ReactionDataset, specifications describe reaction stoichiometry. """ if self._use_view(force): ret = self._view.get_entries(subset) else: ret = self._entry_index(subset) return ret.copy()
def _molecule_indexer( self, subset: Optional[Union[str, Set[str]]] = None, force: bool = False ) -> Dict[str, ObjectId]: """Provides a {index: molecule_id} mapping for a given subset. Parameters ---------- subset : Optional[Union[str, Set[str]]], optional The indices of the desired subset. Return all indices if subset is None. Returns ------- Dict[str, 'ObjectId'] Molecule index to molecule ObjectId map """ if subset: if isinstance(subset, str): subset = {subset} index = self.get_entries(force=force, subset=subset) # index = index[] return {row["name"]: row["molecule_id"] for row in index.to_dict("records")} def _add_history(self, **history: Optional[str]) -> None: """ Adds compute history to the dataset """ if history.keys() != set( raise KeyError("Internal error: Incorrect history keys passed in.") new_history = [] for key in value = history[key] if value is not None: value = value.lower() new_history.append(value)
[docs] def list_values( self, method: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, basis: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, keywords: Optional[str] = None, program: Optional[str] = None, driver: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, native: Optional[bool] = None, force: bool = False, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Lists available data that may be queried with get_values. Results may be narrowed by providing search keys. `None` is a wildcard selector. To search for `None`, use `"None"`. Parameters ---------- method : Optional[Union[str, List[str]]], optional The computational method (B3LYP) basis : Optional[Union[str, List[str]]], optional The computational basis (6-31G) keywords : Optional[str], optional The keyword alias program : Optional[str], optional The underlying QC program driver : Optional[str], optional The type of calculation (e.g. energy, gradient, hessian, dipole...) name : Optional[Union[str, List[str]]], optional The canonical name of the data column native: Optional[bool], optional True: only include data computed with QCFractal False: only include data contributed from outside sources None: include both force : bool, optional Data is typically cached, forces a new query if True Returns ------- DataFrame A DataFrame of the matching data specifications """ spec: Dict[str, Optional[Union[str, bool, List[str]]]] = { "method": method, "basis": basis, "keywords": keywords, "program": program, "name": name, "driver": driver, } if self._use_view(force): ret = self._view.list_values() spec["native"] = native else: ret = [] if native in {True, None}: df = self._list_records(dftd3=False) df["native"] = True ret.append(df) if native in {False, None}: df = self._list_contributed_values() df["native"] = False ret.append(df) ret = pd.concat(ret) # Filter ret.fillna("None", inplace=True) ret = self._filter_records(ret, **spec) # Sort sort_index = ["native"] + list([:-1]) if "stoichiometry" in ret.columns: sort_index += ["stoichiometry", "name"] ret.set_index(sort_index, inplace=True) ret.sort_index(inplace=True) ret.reset_index(inplace=True) ret.set_index(["native"] + list([:-1]), inplace=True) return ret
@staticmethod def _filter_records( df: pd.DataFrame, **spec: Optional[Union[str, bool, List[Union[str, bool]], Tuple]] ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Helper for filtering records on a spec. Note that `None` is a wildcard while `"None"` matches `None` and NaN. """ ret = df.copy() if len(ret) == 0: # workaround pandas empty dataframe sharp edges return ret for key, value in spec.items(): if value is None: continue if isinstance(value, bool): ret = ret[ret[key] == value] elif isinstance(value, str): value = value.lower() ret = ret[ret[key].fillna("None").str.lower() == value] elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): query = [x.lower() for x in value] ret = ret[ret[key].fillna("None").str.lower().isin(query)] else: raise TypeError(f"Search type {type(value)} not understood.") return ret
[docs] def list_records( self, dftd3: bool = False, pretty: bool = True, **search: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Lists specifications of available records, i.e. method, program, basis set, keyword set, driver combinations `None` is a wildcard selector. To search for `None`, use `"None"`. Parameters ---------- pretty: bool Replace NaN with "None" in returned DataFrame **search : Dict[str, Optional[str]] Allows searching to narrow down return. Returns ------- DataFrame Record specifications matching **search. """ ret = self._list_records(dftd3=dftd3) ret = self._filter_records(ret, **search) if pretty: ret.fillna("None", inplace=True) return ret
def _list_records(self, dftd3: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Lists specifications of available records, i.e. method, program, basis set, keyword set, driver combinations `None` is a wildcard selector. To search for `None`, use `"None"`. Parameters ---------- dftd3: bool, optional Include dftd3 program record specifications in addition to composite DFT-D3 record specifications Returns ------- DataFrame Record specifications matching **search. """ show_dftd3 = dftd3 history = pd.DataFrame(list(, # Short circuit because merge and apply below require data if history.shape[0] == 0: ret = history.copy() ret["name"] = None return ret # Build out -D3 combos dftd3 = history[history["program"] == "dftd3"].copy() dftd3["base"] = [x.split("-d3")[0] for x in dftd3["method"]] nondftd3 = history[history["program"] != "dftd3"] dftd3combo = nondftd3.merge(dftd3[["method", "base"]], left_on="method", right_on="base") dftd3combo["method"] = dftd3combo["method_y"] dftd3combo.drop(["method_x", "method_y", "base"], axis=1, inplace=True) history = pd.concat([history, dftd3combo], sort=False) history = history.reset_index() history.drop("index", axis=1, inplace=True) # Drop duplicates due to stoich in some instances, this could be handled with multiple merges # Simpler to do it this way. history.drop_duplicates(inplace=True) # Find the returned subset ret = history.copy() # Add name column ret["name"] = ret.apply( lambda row: self._canonical_name( program=row["program"], method=row["method"], basis=row["basis"], keywords=row["keywords"], stoich=row.get("stoichiometry", None), driver=row["driver"], ), axis=1, ) if show_dftd3 is False: ret = ret[ret["program"] != "dftd3"] return ret
[docs] def get_values( self, method: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, basis: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, keywords: Optional[str] = None, program: Optional[str] = None, driver: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, native: Optional[bool] = None, subset: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, force: bool = False, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Obtains values matching the search parameters provided for the expected `return_result` values. Defaults to the standard programs and keywords if not provided. Note that unlike `get_records`, `get_values` will automatically expand searches and return multiple method and basis combinations simultaneously. `None` is a wildcard selector. To search for `None`, use `"None"`. Parameters ---------- method : Optional[Union[str, List[str]]], optional The computational method (B3LYP) basis : Optional[Union[str, List[str]]], optional The computational basis (6-31G) keywords : Optional[str], optional The keyword alias program : Optional[str], optional The underlying QC program driver : Optional[str], optional The type of calculation (e.g. energy, gradient, hessian, dipole...) name : Optional[Union[str, List[str]]], optional Canonical name of the record. Overrides the above selectors. native: Optional[bool], optional True: only include data computed with QCFractal False: only include data contributed from outside sources None: include both subset: Optional[List[str]], optional The indices of the desired subset. Return all indices if subset is None. force : bool, optional Data is typically cached, forces a new query if True Returns ------- DataFrame A DataFrame of values with columns corresponding to methods and rows corresponding to molecule entries. """ return self._get_values( method=method, basis=basis, keywords=keywords, program=program, driver=driver, name=name, native=native, subset=subset, force=force, )
def _get_values( self, native: Optional[bool] = None, force: bool = False, subset: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, **spec: Union[List[str], str, None], ) -> pd.DataFrame: ret = [] if subset is None: subset_set = set(self.get_index(force=force)) elif isinstance(subset, str): subset_set = {subset} elif isinstance(subset, list): subset_set = set(subset) else: raise ValueError(f"Subset must be str, List[str], or None. Got {type(subset)}") if native in {True, None}: spec_nodriver = spec.copy() driver = spec_nodriver.pop("driver") if driver is not None and driver != raise KeyError( f"For native values, driver ({driver}) must be the same as the dataset's default driver " f"({}). Consider using get_records instead." ) df = self._get_native_values(subset=subset_set, force=force, **spec_nodriver) ret.append(df) if native in {False, None}: df = self._get_contributed_values(subset=subset_set, force=force, **spec) ret.append(df) ret_df = pd.concat(ret, axis=1) ret_df = ret_df.loc[subset if subset is not None else self.get_index()] return ret_df def _get_native_values( self, subset: Set[str], method: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, basis: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, keywords: Optional[str] = None, program: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, force: bool = False, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Obtains records matching the provided search criteria. Defaults to the standard programs and keywords if not provided. Parameters ---------- subset: Set[str] The indices of the desired subset. method : Optional[Union[str, List[str]]], optional The computational method to compute (B3LYP) basis : Optional[Union[str, List[str]]], optional The computational basis to compute (6-31G) keywords : Optional[str], optional The keyword alias for the requested compute program : Optional[str], optional The underlying QC program name : Optional[Union[str, List[str]]], optional Canonical name of the record. Overrides the above selectors. force : bool, optional Data is typically cached, forces a new query if True. Returns ------- DataFrame A DataFrame of the queried parameters """ au_units = {"energy": "hartree", "gradient": "hartree/bohr", "hessian": "hartree/bohr**2"} # So that datasets with no records do not require a default program and default keywords if len(self.list_records()) == 0: return pd.DataFrame(index=self.get_index(subset)) queries = self._form_queries(method=method, basis=basis, keywords=keywords, program=program, name=name) names = [] new_queries = [] for _, query in queries.iterrows(): query = query.replace({np.nan: None}).to_dict() if "stoichiometry" in query: query["stoich"] = query.pop("stoichiometry") qname = query["name"] names.append(qname) if force or not self._subset_in_cache(qname, subset): self._column_metadata[qname] = query new_queries.append(query) new_data = pd.DataFrame(index=subset) if not self._use_view(force): units: Dict[str, str] = {} for query in new_queries: driver = query.pop("driver") qname = query.pop("name") data = self.get_records( query.pop("method").upper(), include=["return_result"], merge=True, subset=subset, **query ) new_data[qname] = data["return_result"] units[qname] = au_units[driver] query["name"] = qname else: for query in new_queries: query["native"] = True new_data, units = self._view.get_values(new_queries, subset) for query in new_queries: qname = query["name"] new_data[qname] *= constants.conversion_factor(units[qname], self.units) self._column_metadata[qname].update({"native": True, "units": self.units}) self._update_cache(new_data) return self.df.loc[subset, names] def _form_queries( self, method: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, basis: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, keywords: Optional[str] = None, program: Optional[str] = None, stoich: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: if name is None: _, _, history = self._default_parameters(program, "nan", "nan", keywords, stoich=stoich) for k, v in [("method", method), ("basis", basis)]: if v is not None: history[k] = v else: history.pop(k, None) queries = self.list_records(**history, dftd3=True, pretty=False) else: if any((field is not None for field in {program, method, basis, keywords})): warnings.warn( "Name and additional field were provided. Only name will be used as a selector.", RuntimeWarning ) queries = self.list_records(name=name, dftd3=True, pretty=False) if queries.shape[0] > 10 and self._disable_query_limit is False: raise TypeError("More than 10 queries formed, please narrow the search.") return queries def _visualize( self, metric, bench, query: Dict[str, Union[Optional[str], List[str]]], groupby: Optional[str] = None, return_figure=None, digits=3, kind="bar", show_incomplete: bool = False, ) -> "plotly.Figure": # Validate query dimensions list_queries = [k for k, v in query.items() if isinstance(v, (list, tuple))] if len(list_queries) > 2: raise TypeError("A maximum of two lists are allowed.") # Check kind kind = kind.lower() if kind not in ["bar", "violin"]: raise KeyError(f"Visualiztion kind must either be 'bar' or 'violin', found {kind}") # Check metric metric = metric.upper() if metric == "UE": ylabel = f"UE [{self.units}]" elif metric == "URE": ylabel = "URE [%]" else: raise KeyError('Metric {} not understood, available metrics: "UE", "URE"'.format(metric)) if kind == "bar": ylabel = "M" + ylabel metric = "M" + metric # Are we a groupby? _valid_groupby = {"method", "basis", "keywords", "program", "stoich", "d3"} if groupby is not None: groupby = groupby.lower() if groupby not in _valid_groupby: raise KeyError(f"Groupby option {groupby} not understood.") if (groupby != "d3") and (groupby not in query): raise KeyError(f"Groupby option {groupby} not found in query, must provide a search on this parameter.") if (groupby != "d3") and (not isinstance(query[groupby], (tuple, list))): raise KeyError(f"Groupby option {groupby} must be a list.") query_names = [] queries = [] if groupby == "d3": base = [method.upper().split("-D3")[0] for method in query["method"]] d3types = [method.upper().replace(b, "").replace("-D", "D") for method, b in zip(query["method"], base)] # Preserve order of first unique appearance seen: Set[str] = set() unique_d3types = [x for x in d3types if not (x in seen or seen.add(x))] for d3type in unique_d3types: gb_query = query.copy() gb_query["method"] = [] for i in range(len(base)): method = query["method"][i] if method.upper().replace(base[i], "").replace("-D", "D") == d3type: gb_query["method"].append(method) queries.append(gb_query) if d3type == "": query_names.append("No -D3") else: query_names.append(d3type.upper()) else: for gb in query[groupby]: gb_query = query.copy() gb_query[groupby] = gb queries.append(gb_query) query_names.append(self._canonical_name(**{groupby: gb})) if (kind == "violin") and (len(queries) != 2): raise KeyError(f"Groupby option for violin plots must have two entries.") else: queries = [query] query_names = ["Stats"] title = f"{} Dataset Statistics" series = [] for q, name in zip(queries, query_names): if len(q) == 0: raise KeyError("No query matches, nothing to visualize!") # Pull the values if "stoichiometry" in q: q["stoich"] = q.pop("stoichiometry") values = self.get_values(**q) if not show_incomplete: values = values.dropna(axis=1, how="any") # Create the statistics stat = self.statistics(metric, values, bench=bench) stat = stat.round(digits) stat.sort_index(inplace=True) = name # Munge the column names based on the groupby parameter col_names = {} for k, v in stat.iteritems(): record = self._column_metadata[k].copy() if groupby == "d3": record["method"] = record["method"].upper().split("-D3")[0] elif groupby: record[groupby] = None index_name = self._canonical_name( record["program"], record["method"], record["basis"], record["keywords"], stoich=record.get("stoich"), ) col_names[k] = index_name if kind == "bar": stat.index = [col_names[x] for x in stat.index] else: stat.columns = [col_names[x] for x in stat.columns] series.append(stat) if kind == "bar": return bar_plot(series, title=title, ylabel=ylabel, return_figure=return_figure) else: negative = None if groupby: negative = series[1] return violin_plot(series[0], negative=negative, title=title, ylabel=ylabel, return_figure=return_figure)
[docs] def visualize( self, method: Optional[str] = None, basis: Optional[str] = None, keywords: Optional[str] = None, program: Optional[str] = None, groupby: Optional[str] = None, metric: str = "UE", bench: Optional[str] = None, kind: str = "bar", return_figure: Optional[bool] = None, show_incomplete: bool = False, ) -> "plotly.Figure": """ Parameters ---------- method : Optional[str], optional Methods to query basis : Optional[str], optional Bases to query keywords : Optional[str], optional Keyword aliases to query program : Optional[str], optional Programs aliases to query groupby : Optional[str], optional Groups the plot by this index. metric : str, optional The metric to use either UE (unsigned error) or URE (unsigned relative error) bench : Optional[str], optional The benchmark level of theory to use kind : str, optional The kind of chart to produce, either 'bar' or 'violin' return_figure : Optional[bool], optional If True, return the raw plotly figure. If False, returns a hosted iPlot. If None, return a iPlot display in Jupyter notebook and a raw plotly figure in all other circumstances. show_incomplete: bool, optional Display statistics method/basis set combinations where results are incomplete Returns ------- plotly.Figure The requested figure. """ query = {"method": method, "basis": basis, "keywords": keywords, "program": program} query = {k: v for k, v in query.items() if v is not None} return self._visualize(metric, bench, query=query, groupby=groupby, return_figure=return_figure, kind=kind)
def _canonical_name( self, program: Optional[str] = None, method: Optional[str] = None, basis: Optional[str] = None, keywords: Optional[str] = None, stoich: Optional[str] = None, driver: Optional[str] = None, ) -> str: """ Attempts to build a canonical name for a DataFrame column """ name = "" if method: name = method.upper() if basis and name: name = f"{name}/{basis.lower()}" elif basis: name = f"{basis.lower()}" if keywords and (keywords !=, None)): name = f"{name}-{keywords}" if program and (program.lower() != name = f"{name}-{program.title()}" if stoich: if name == "": name = stoich.lower() elif stoich.lower() != "default": name = f"{stoich.lower()}-{name}" return name def _default_parameters( self, program: Optional[str], method: str, basis: Optional[str], keywords: Optional[str], stoich: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Tuple[str, Dict[str, Union[str, "KeywordSet"]], Dict[str, str]]: """ Takes raw input parsed parameters and applies defaults to them. """ # Handle default program if program is None: if is None: raise KeyError("No default program was set and none was provided.") program = else: program = program.lower() driver = # Handle keywords keywords_alias = keywords if keywords is None: if program in keywords_alias =[program] keywords =[program][keywords_alias] else: keywords = keywords.lower() if (program not in or (keywords not in[program]): raise KeyError("KeywordSet alias '{}' not found for program '{}'.".format(keywords, program)) keywords_alias = keywords keywords =[program][keywords] # Form database and history keys dbkeys = {"driver": driver, "program": program, "method": method, "basis": basis, "keywords": keywords} history = {**dbkeys, **{"keywords": keywords_alias}} if stoich is not None: history["stoichiometry"] = stoich name = self._canonical_name(program, method, basis, keywords_alias, stoich) return name, dbkeys, history def _get_molecules(self, indexer: Dict[Any, ObjectId], force: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame: """Queries a list of molecules using a molecule indexer Parameters ---------- indexer : Dict[str, 'ObjectId'] A key/value index of molecules to query force : bool, optional Force pull of molecules from server Returns ------- pd.DataFrame A table of Molecules, indexed by Entry names Raises ------ KeyError If no records match the query """ molecule_ids = list(set(indexer.values())) if not self._use_view(force): molecules: List["Molecule"] = [] for i in range(0, len(molecule_ids), self.client.query_limit): molecules.extend(self.client.query_molecules(id=molecule_ids[i : i + self.client.query_limit])) # XXX: molecules = pd.DataFrame({"molecule_id": molecule_ids, "molecule": molecules}) fails # test_gradient_dataset_get_molecules and I don't know why molecules = pd.DataFrame({"molecule_id":, "molecule": molecule} for molecule in molecules) else: molecules = self._view.get_molecules(molecule_ids) molecules = pd.DataFrame({"molecule_id": molecule_ids, "molecule": molecules}) if len(molecules) == 0: raise KeyError("Query matched 0 records.") df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(indexer, orient="index", columns=["molecule_id"]) df.reset_index(inplace=True) # Outer join on left to merge duplicate molecules df = df.merge(molecules, how="left", on="molecule_id") df.set_index("index", inplace=True) df.drop("molecule_id", axis=1, inplace=True) return df def _get_records( self, indexer: Dict[Any, ObjectId], query: Dict[str, Any], include: Optional[List[str]] = None, merge: bool = False, raise_on_plan: Union[str, bool] = False, status: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> "pd.Series": """ Runs a query based on an indexer which is index : molecule_id Parameters ---------- indexer : Dict[str, ObjectId] A key/value index of molecules to query query : Dict[str, Any] A results query include : Optional[List[str]], optional The attributes to return. Otherwise returns ResultRecord objects. merge : bool, optional Sum compound queries together, useful for mixing results raise_on_plan : Union[str, bool], optional Raises a KeyError is True or string if a multi-stage plan is detected. status : List[str] Include only records with these statuses. By default, obtain all records Returns ------- pd.Series A Series of the data results """ self._check_client() self._check_state() ret = [] plan = composition_planner(**query) if raise_on_plan and (len(plan) > 1): if raise_on_plan is True: raise KeyError("Recieved a multi-stage plan when this function does not support multi-staged plans.") else: raise KeyError(raise_on_plan) for query_set in plan: query_set["keywords"] = self.get_keywords(query_set["keywords"], query_set["program"], return_id=True) # Set the index to remove duplicates molecules = list(set(indexer.values())) if include: proj = [k.lower() for k in include] if "molecule" not in proj: proj.append("molecule") query_set["include"] = proj # Chunk up the queries records: List[ResultRecord] = [] for i in range(0, len(molecules), self.client.query_limit): query_set["molecule"] = molecules[i : i + self.client.query_limit] records.extend(self.client.query_results(**query_set, status=status)) if include is None: records = [{"molecule": x.molecule, "record": x} for x in records] records = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(records) df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(indexer, orient="index", columns=["molecule"]) df.reset_index(inplace=True) if records.shape[0] > 0: # Outer join on left to merge duplicate molecules df = df.merge(records, how="left", on="molecule") else: # No results, fill NaN values if include is None: df["record"] = None else: for k in include: df[k] = np.nan df.set_index("index", inplace=True) df.drop("molecule", axis=1, inplace=True) ret.append(df) if len(molecules) == 0: raise KeyError("Query matched 0 records.") if merge: retdf = ret[0] for df in ret[1:]: retdf += df return retdf else: return ret def _compute( self, compute_keys: Dict[str, Union[str, None]], molecules: Union[List[str], pd.Series], tag: Optional[str] = None, priority: Optional[str] = None, protocols: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> ComputeResponse: """ Internal compute function """ name, dbkeys, history = self._default_parameters( compute_keys["program"], compute_keys["method"], compute_keys["basis"], compute_keys["keywords"], stoich=compute_keys.get("stoich", None), ) self._check_client() self._check_state() umols = list(set(molecules)) ids: List[Optional[ObjectId]] = [] submitted: List[ObjectId] = [] existing: List[ObjectId] = [] for compute_set in composition_planner(**dbkeys): for i in range(0, len(umols), self.client.query_limit): chunk_mols = umols[i : i + self.client.query_limit] ret = self.client.add_compute( **compute_set, molecule=chunk_mols, tag=tag, priority=priority, protocols=protocols ) ids.extend(ret.ids) submitted.extend(ret.submitted) existing.extend(ret.existing) qhistory = history.copy() qhistory["program"] = compute_set["program"] qhistory["method"] = compute_set["method"] qhistory["basis"] = compute_set["basis"] self._add_history(**qhistory) return ComputeResponse(ids=ids, submitted=submitted, existing=existing) @property def units(self): return self._units @units.setter def units(self, value): for column in self.df.columns: try: self.df[column] *= constants.conversion_factor(self._column_metadata[column]["units"], value) # Cast units to quantities so that `kcal / mol` == `kilocalorie / mole` metadata_quantity = constants.Quantity(self._column_metadata[column]["units"]) self_quantity = constants.Quantity(self._units) if metadata_quantity != self_quantity: warnings.warn( f"Data column '{column}' did not have the same units as the dataset. " f"This has been corrected." ) self._column_metadata[column]["units"] = value except (ValueError, TypeError) as e: # This is meant to catch pint.errors.DimensionalityError without importing pint, which is too slow. # In pint <=0.9, DimensionalityError is a ValueError. # In pint >=0.10, DimensionalityError is TypeError. if e.__class__.__name__ == "DimensionalityError": pass else: raise self._units = value
[docs] def set_default_program(self, program: str) -> bool: """ Sets the default program. Parameters ---------- program : str The program to default to. """["default_program"] = program.lower() return True
[docs] def set_default_benchmark(self, benchmark: str) -> bool: """ Sets the default benchmark value. Parameters ---------- benchmark : str The benchmark to default to. """["default_benchmark"] = benchmark return True
[docs] def add_keywords(self, alias: str, program: str, keyword: "KeywordSet", default: bool = False) -> bool: """ Adds an option alias to the dataset. Not that keywords are not present until a save call has been completed. Parameters ---------- alias : str The alias of the option program : str The compute program the alias is for keyword : KeywordSet The Keywords object to use. default : bool, optional Sets this option as the default for the program """ alias = alias.lower() program = program.lower() if program not in[program] = {} if alias in[program]: raise KeyError("Alias '{}' already set for program {}.".format(alias, program)) self._new_keywords[(program, alias)] = keyword if default:[program] = alias return True
[docs] def list_keywords(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Lists keyword aliases for each program in the dataset. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame A dataframe containing programs, keyword aliases, KeywordSet ids, and whether those keywords are the default for a program. Indexed on program. """ data = [] for program, kwaliases in prog_default_kw =, None) for kwalias, kwid in kwaliases.items(): data.append( { "program": program, "keywords": kwalias, "id": kwid, "default": prog_default_kw == kwalias, } ) return pd.DataFrame(data).set_index("program")
[docs] def get_keywords(self, alias: str, program: str, return_id: bool = False) -> Union["KeywordSet", str]: """Pulls the keywords alias from the server for inspection. Parameters ---------- alias : str The keywords alias. program : str The program the keywords correspond to. return_id : bool, optional If True, returns the ``id`` rather than the ``KeywordSet`` object. Description Returns ------- Union['KeywordSet', str] The requested ``KeywordSet`` or ``KeywordSet`` ``id``. """ self._check_client() if alias is None: if return_id: return None else: return {} alias = alias.lower() program = program.lower() if (program not in or (alias not in[program]): raise KeyError("Keywords {}: {} not found.".format(program, alias)) kwid =[program][alias] if return_id: return kwid else: return self.client.query_keywords([kwid])[0]
[docs] def add_contributed_values(self, contrib: ContributedValues, overwrite: bool = False) -> None: """ Adds a ContributedValues to the database. Be sure to call save() to commit changes to the server. Parameters ---------- contrib : ContributedValues The ContributedValues to add. overwrite : bool, optional Overwrites pre-existing values """ self.get_entries(force=True) self._ensure_contributed_values() # Convert and validate if isinstance(contrib, ContributedValues): contrib = contrib.copy() else: contrib = ContributedValues(**contrib) if set(contrib.index) != set(self.get_index()): raise ValueError("Contributed values indices do not match the entries in the dataset.") # Check the key key = if (key in and (overwrite is False): raise KeyError( "Key '{}' already found in contributed values. Use `overwrite=True` to force an update.".format(key) )[key] = contrib self._updated_state = True
def _ensure_contributed_values(self) -> None: if is None: self._get_data_records_from_db() def _list_contributed_values(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Lists all specifications of contributed data, i.e. method, program, basis set, keyword set, driver combinations Returns ------- DataFrame Contributed value specifications. """ self._ensure_contributed_values() ret = pd.DataFrame( + tuple(["name"])) cvs = ( (, cv_data.theory_level_details) for (cv_name, cv_data) in ) for cv_name, theory_level_details in cvs: spec = {"name": cv_name} for k in spec[k] = "Unknown" # ReactionDataset uses "default" as a default value for stoich, # but many contributed datasets lack a stoich field if "stoichiometry" in spec["stoichiometry"] = "default" if isinstance(theory_level_details, dict): spec.update(**theory_level_details) ret = ret.append(spec, ignore_index=True) return ret def _subset_in_cache(self, column_name: str, subset: Set[str]) -> bool: try: return not self.df.loc[subset, column_name].isna().any() except KeyError: return False def _update_cache(self, new_data: pd.DataFrame) -> None: new_df = pd.DataFrame( index=set(self.df.index) | set(new_data.index), columns=set(self.df.columns) | set(new_data.columns) ) new_df.update(new_data) new_df.update(self.df) self.df = new_df def _get_contributed_values(self, subset: Set[str], force: bool = False, **spec) -> pd.DataFrame: cv_list = self.list_values(native=False, force=force).reset_index() queries = self._filter_records(cv_list.rename(columns={"stoichiometry": "stoich"}), **spec) column_names: List[str] = [] new_queries = [] for query in queries.to_dict("records"): column_name = query["name"] column_names.append(column_name) if force or not self._subset_in_cache(column_name, subset): self._column_metadata[column_name] = query new_queries.append(query) new_data = pd.DataFrame(index=subset) if not self._use_view(force): self._ensure_contributed_values() units: Dict[str, str] = {} for query in new_queries: data =[query["name"].lower()].copy() column_name = # Annoying work around to prevent some pandas magic if isinstance(data.values[0], (int, float, bool, np.number)): values = data.values else: # TODO temporary patch until msgpack collections if isinstance(data.theory_level_details, dict) and "driver" in data.theory_level_details: cv_driver = data.theory_level_details["driver"] else: cv_driver = if cv_driver == "gradient": values = [np.array(v).reshape(-1, 3) for v in data.values] else: values = [np.array(v) for v in data.values] new_data[column_name] = pd.Series(values, index=data.index)[subset] units[column_name] = data.units else: for query in new_queries: query["native"] = False new_data, units = self._view.get_values(new_queries, subset) # convert units for query in new_queries: column_name = query["name"] metadata = {"native": False} try: new_data[column_name] *= constants.conversion_factor(units[column_name], self.units) metadata["units"] = self.units except (ValueError, TypeError) as e: # This is meant to catch pint.errors.DimensionalityError without importing pint, which is too slow. # In pint <=0.9, DimensionalityError is a ValueError. # In pint >=0.10, DimensionalityError is TypeError. if e.__class__.__name__ == "DimensionalityError": metadata["units"] = units[column_name] else: raise self._column_metadata[column_name].update(metadata) self._update_cache(new_data) return self.df.loc[subset, column_names]
[docs] def get_molecules( self, subset: Optional[Union[str, Set[str]]] = None, force: bool = False ) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, "Molecule"]: """Queries full Molecules from the database. Parameters ---------- subset : Optional[Union[str, Set[str]]], optional The index subset to query on force : bool, optional Force pull of molecules from server Returns ------- Union[pd.DataFrame, 'Molecule'] Either a DataFrame of indexed Molecules or a single Molecule if a single subset string was provided. """ indexer = self._molecule_indexer(subset=subset, force=force) df = self._get_molecules(indexer, force) if isinstance(subset, str): return df.iloc[0, 0] else: return df
[docs] def get_records( self, method: str, basis: Optional[str] = None, *, keywords: Optional[str] = None, program: Optional[str] = None, include: Optional[List[str]] = None, subset: Optional[Union[str, Set[str]]] = None, merge: bool = False, status: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, "ResultRecord"]: """ Queries full ResultRecord objects from the database. Parameters ---------- method : str The computational method to query on (B3LYP) basis : Optional[str], optional The computational basis query on (6-31G) keywords : Optional[str], optional The option token desired program : Optional[str], optional The program to query on include : Optional[List[str]], optional The attributes to return. Otherwise returns ResultRecord objects. subset : Optional[Union[str, Set[str]]], optional The index subset to query on merge : bool Merge multiple results into one (as in the case of DFT-D3). This only works when include=['return_results'], as in get_values. status : List[str] Include only records with these statuses. By default, obtain all records Returns ------- Union[pd.DataFrame, 'ResultRecord'] Either a DataFrame of indexed ResultRecords or a single ResultRecord if a single subset string was provided. """ name, _, history = self._default_parameters(program, method, basis, keywords) if len(self.list_records(**history)) == 0: raise KeyError(f"Requested query ({name}) did not match a known record.") indexer = self._molecule_indexer(subset=subset, force=True) df = self._get_records(indexer, history, include=include, merge=merge, status=status) if not merge and len(df) == 1: df = df[0] if len(df) == 0: raise KeyError("Query matched no records!") if isinstance(subset, str): return df.iloc[0, 0] else: return df
[docs] def add_entry(self, name: str, molecule: "Molecule", **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Adds a new entry to the Dataset Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the record molecule : Molecule The Molecule associated with this record **kwargs : Dict[str, Any] Additional arguments to pass to the record """ mhash = molecule.get_hash() self._new_molecules[mhash] = molecule self._new_records.append({"name": name, "molecule_hash": mhash, **kwargs})
[docs] def compute( self, method: str, basis: Optional[str] = None, *, keywords: Optional[str] = None, program: Optional[str] = None, subset: Optional[Set[str]] = None, tag: Optional[str] = None, priority: Optional[str] = None, protocols: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> ComputeResponse: """Executes a computational method for all reactions in the Dataset. Previously completed computations are not repeated. Parameters ---------- method : str The computational method to compute (B3LYP) basis : Optional[str], optional The computational basis to compute (6-31G) keywords : Optional[str], optional The keyword alias for the requested compute program : Optional[str], optional The underlying QC program tag : Optional[str], optional The queue tag to use when submitting compute requests. priority : Optional[str], optional The priority of the jobs low, medium, or high. protocols: Optional[Dict[str, Any]], optional Protocols for store more or less data per field. Current valid protocols: {'wavefunction'} subset : Set[str], optional Computes only a subset of the dataset. Returns ------- ComputeResponse An object that contains the submitted ObjectIds of the new compute. This object has the following fields: - ids: The ObjectId's of the task in the order of input molecules - submitted: A list of ObjectId's that were submitted to the compute queue - existing: A list of ObjectId's of tasks already in the database """ self.get_entries(force=True) compute_keys = {"program": program, "method": method, "basis": basis, "keywords": keywords} if subset: molecule_idx = set(subset) else: molecule_idx = [e.molecule_id for e in] ret = self._compute(compute_keys, molecule_idx, tag, priority, protocols) return ret
[docs] def get_index(self, subset: Optional[List[str]] = None, force: bool = False) -> List[str]: """ Returns the current index of the database. Returns ------- ret : List[str] The names of all reactions in the database """ return list(self.get_entries(subset=subset, force=force)["name"].unique())
# Statistical quantities
[docs] def statistics( self, stype: str, value: str, bench: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any] ) -> Union[np.ndarray, pd.Series, np.float64]: """Provides statistics for various columns in the underlying dataframe. Parameters ---------- stype : str The type of statistic in question value : str The method string to compare bench : str, optional The benchmark method for the comparison, defaults to `default_benchmark`. kwargs: Dict[str, Any] Additional kwargs to pass to the statistics functions Returns ------- np.ndarray, pd.Series, float Returns an ndarray, Series, or float with the requested statistics depending on input. """ if bench is None: bench = if bench is None: raise KeyError("No benchmark provided and default_benchmark is None!") return wrap_statistics(stype.upper(), self, value, bench, **kwargs)
def _use_view(self, force: bool = False) -> bool: """Helper function to decide whether to use a locally available HDF5 view""" return (force is False) and (self._view is not None) and (self._disable_view is False) def _clear_cache(self) -> None: self.df = pd.DataFrame()["records"] = None["contributed_values"] = None # Getters def __getitem__(self, args: str) -> pd.Series: """A wrapped to the underlying pd.DataFrame to access columnar data Parameters ---------- args : str The column to access Returns ------- ret : pd.Series, pd.DataFrame A view of the underlying dataframe data """ return self.df[args]